A world where everything can be measured
The switch from analogue to digital measurement technology offers manufacturing companies the opportunity to use production data as a basis for optimising various processes along the value chain. At the same time, the measurement processes themselves can also be redesigned. Multifunctional measuring equipment replaces several different pieces of conventional manual measuring equipment, reducing the diversity of the device landscape and increasing overall operational efficiency.
Yet traditional measurement technology continues to play a relevant role. It might make sense to keep certain processes analogue. Anyone who wants to combine conventional and cutting-edge measurement technology would be advised to seek help from a technical specialist regarding the demanding task of digitally transforming their measurement processes. Brütsch/Rüegger Tools is not only very much at home in both of these worlds — it also knows the best way to combine them. Our two product groups—"Measurement Technology" and "Industrial Solutions"—work closely together to offer comprehensive and sustainable measurement technology solutions to manufacturing companies.
Vincenzo Vadrucci, Head of Measurement Technology at Brütsch/Rüegger Tools, explains how this works: "We might help a customer to connect a 3D measuring machine, but our job won't stop there; we'll also discuss ways to go about digitally transforming the measurement processes".
An interdisciplinary endeavour
The "Measurement Technology" product group has been providing a tailored and comprehensive service for many years. Regardless of whether they are working with small businesses or corporations, our 12 technical specialists gauge their success based on the benefits for the customer.
Our experts and application engineers provide services ranging from consultations to calibration, maintenance and repair tasks (onsite or in our showroom), through to demonstrations of devices and one-to-one training and they know exactly how to deploy their many years of experience to meet customer needs.
In addition to the SmartFactory, visitors to the superbly equipped Urdorf showroom are given an overview of all the cutting-edge procedures, ranging from the measurement of contours, roughness, height, force and torque through to microscopy. Manual measuring equipment and accessories complete the comprehensive range.
Tapping into hidden potential
Our measurement technology experts are skilled at implementing comprehensive network solutions with seamless data transfers. Vincenzo Vadrucci explains exactly what this means: "Parameterisation is only the first stage; we also ensure that not only does the measurement data get to the relevant interfaces, but also the network as a whole functions properly, including the connection to an overarching Industry 4.0 platform". Constraints are almost a thing of the past, since today almost every process can be measured.
It does not matter whether the measurements are carried out using the proprietary Hive Digital Suite developed by Brütsch/Rüegger Tools or by a third-party solution. However, the use of specific measurement technology software such as "Quality Control" is still recommended for quality assurance purposes. The module integrated into the Hive Digital Suite can be used together with devices, as well as measuring and testing stations and can be synchronised with higher-level systems for operational management purposes. Quality Control visualises measurement data, performance indicators and reports on dashboards. The smart module also generates graphical measurement analyses, summarises test processes and identifies trends in the results. In addition, users can use other software to evaluate their measurement data, if desired.
Innovation in the field of microtechnology
With a measurement technology range of over 40,000 products, Brütsch/Rüegger Tools can deliver the optimal solution for every measurement task. The compact "QMT Projector-100" from our new partner Qualimatest is an interesting innovation. The high-precision optical measuring device with touchscreen operation was developed by the Geneva specialists specifically for precision machining companies in the watch and medical technology sectors. It allows rotationally symmetrical parts with a length of up to eight millimetres to be reliably measured over a range of 360 degrees in a matter of seconds. An automated hanging tool makes it easy to position the component to be measured using tweezers, wany need for alignment.
Increased focus on maintenance
What would a full-range supplier be without a service department? To make life easier for the customer, Brütsch/Rüegger Tools always has the entire lifecycle of its measuring equipment in mind. In addition to providing consultations, our measurement technology experts provide companies with on-site support by calibrating and maintaining or servicing measuring equipment. According to Vincenzo Vadrucci, "Our service technicians respond immediately and can be at the customer's site quickly if needed".
Our heightened focus on a comprehensive after-sales strategy is paying dividends. The maintenance agreements available since the start of the year for the optical measuring devices Sylvac SCAN and Sylvac VISIO have been extremely popular, for example. And it's hardly surprising: measuring equipment with a maintenance package means that all the user needs to do is switch it on and take measurements, with nothing else to worry about. We co-ordinate the maintenance of all devices and proactively schedule in any upcoming jobs. Pre-arranged maintenance appointments and calibration services, including brief checks or small repairs and professional replacement parts management, successfully prevent downtimes. And if a device does nevertheless fail, we will immediately supply a loan device to replace it.
Last but not least, Brütsch/Rüegger Tools emphasises sustainable transfers of knowledge. For further details, read the current forum article about our measurement technology seminars for the next generation!