ToolNews No. 593

Why Brütsch/Rüegger Tools are also used in nuclear power plants

Axpo relies on Brütsch/Rüegger Tools for maintenance.

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ToolNews No. 592

Why INNOTEQ 2025 is definitely worth visiting

High-precision measuring equipment, future-proof production, smart digitalisation and efficient maintenance — from 11 to 14 March 2025 in Bern.

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ToolNews No. 591

Keeping exports running smoothly

With Brütsch/Rüegger Tools, exporting is possible straight away — to Endress+Hauser Flow's benefit.

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ToolNews No. 590

The importance of precise torque technology

Insights from the ToolForum event at Sauber Motorsport: Precision, efficiency and innovative solutions for industry.

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ToolNews No. 589

Combining forces for 75 years: Brütsch/Rüegger Tools and PB Swiss Tools

Two traditional, family-owned companies combine their innovative strengths — a recipe for success for the future.

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ToolNews No. 588

Formula 1 meets workplace design

In motorsport, the difference between victory and defeat can be just a fraction of a second. Workplace design may not be quite so highly charged—but efficiency, quality and regulations must be observed here, too.

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ToolNews No. 587

Talent development meets optimisation

Two polymechanics have been preparing for the professional world championships at Brütsch/Rüegger Tools — and we were there. Your local supervisor, Stiven Andrijanic, helps companies improve their manufacturing processes. What is his focus?

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ToolNews No. 586

Title story

Exciting events with Brütsch/Rüegger Tools and Sauber Motorsport

In Formula 1, every second counts and technical innovations are key to survival. This makes the headquarters of Sauber Motorsport the perfect setting for the upcoming events of Brütsch/Rüegger Tools. There, we will show participants how to fit their workplaces for the future.

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Customer portrait

Rising to the pinnacle of Formula 1 with Swiss precision

The racing company founded by privateer Peter Sauber in the 1970s has experienced a lot of excitement in the course of its long history. The next milestone is the takeover by Audi that will take place in 2026. One thing remains the same: The proven partnership with Brütsch/Rüegger Tools.

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ToolNews No. 585

Title story

Because every tool needs its place

The Brütsch/Rüegger Tools logistics system has to work like a perfectly oiled machine. The experts from our order picking team play a key role in ensuring this. In this edition of ToolNews, we are putting this important department firmly in the spotlight.

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Customer portrait

A prime example of an SME under constant development

Högg AG began life as a blacksmith's shop at the beginning of the last century. Today, the company is a specialist supplier of sophisticated mechanical manufacturing operating throughout Europe. ToolNews visited its headquarters.

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ToolNews No. 584

Title story

You too can develop the potential of the ToolBox

The Brütsch/Rüegger Tools User Day brought together users and developers to stimulate valuable conversation and inspiration, opening up new ways to improve work processes and strengthen the ToolBox community at the same time.

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Customer portrait

Supporting and inspiring the experts of the future

The Rapperswil-Jona Vocational and Advanced Training Centre and Brütsch/Rüegger Tools have been working closely together for many years. This year, young people once again travelled to Urdorf to gain exciting insights into the world of measurement technology. A visit to the event proved that things were really rocking!

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ToolNews No. 583

Title story

Goods Receipt paves the way for smooth logistics

Customers of Brütsch/Rüegger Tools expect fast delivery and flawless order processing. The basic requirement for this is perfect logistics. The team from the Goods Receipt department plays a key role in this respect.


Customer portrait

The perfect measuring instrument for every application

Accuracy is of unrivalled importance in the manufacturing industry. For this reason, a wide range of measuring instruments are used. Brütsch/Rüegger Tools not only offers a huge range of measuring equipment, but also helps customers to digitalise measuring tasks in a straightforward manner.


ToolNews No. 582

Title story

Lean management and digitalisation — A dream team

There is mounting pressure on manufacturing companies, but there are ways to get into shape to face tougher competition. The combination of lean management and digitalisation offers exciting opportunities, and Brütsch/Rüegger Tools is helping in both fields.

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Customer portrait

Behind the scenes of canned refreshments

Take a look at the production halls of Ferrum Packaging AG. The company is based in Schafisheim in Aargau, Switzerland, and is the global market leader for can seamers: These machines ensure that popular aluminium beverage cans are sealed with lids.

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ToolNews No. 581

Title story

The "heart" that drives logistics

Fast delivery is an essential aspect of customer service at Brütsch/Rüegger Tools. In order for its logistics to run smoothly, they must be monitored, directed and, if necessary, corrected from a central location. This is where the control centre comes into play.

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Customer portrait

High-tech with a social touch

Located in the Swiss canton of Jura, Norkom combines the social mission of professional reintegration with future-oriented, high-tech production. Its business partnership with Brütsch/Rüegger Tools is a key component of this venture.

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ToolNews No. 580

Title story

Speed meets quality

In the last issue of ToolNews for this year, we would like to give you a brief yet valuable insight into what you as a customer can expect from us. Read on to find out which skills and solutions we can harness to help you achieve greater efficiency and productivity in keeping with out motto "Tools. Next level."

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Customer portrait

The door and gate openers

Anyone building a door and gate system in Switzerland usually turns to Gilgen for solutions. This issue shines a spotlight on the company's recipe for success and shows how the firm preserves its traditional values while continuing to innovate.

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ToolNews No. 579

Title story

A young professional dream team from Switzerland

This month, ToolNews will be covering the story of young professionals Noah Rossel and Raphael Christen. The pair achieved an impressive second place at this year's SwissSkills — and also relied on a tool from Brütsch/Rüegger Tools.

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Seminars and Workshops

Because expertise needs sharpening too

Brütsch/Rüegger Tools is a leading Swiss tool partner. But we don't just focus on hardware, we concentrate on software too: With a range of seminars and workshops, we nurture specialist knowledge in companies.

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ToolNews No. 578

Title story

How to support manufacturing companies

Manufacturing SMEs are currently under a great deal of pressure. Rising costs and a tough market environment are causing companies serious concern. Brütsch/Rüegger Tools offers an attractive solution thanks to its free production optimisation.

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Customer portrait

Interview with a leading polymechanic

This month, ToolNews spoke to Silas Messmer. The polymechanic represented Liechtenstein in the EuroSkills professional championships in September. In the run-up to the competition, he trained at Brütsch/Rüegger Tools on the CNC milling machine.

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ToolNews No. 577

Title story

Apprentices are the leaders of tomorrow

In this issue of ToolNews, we are shining the spotlight on the youngest employees of Brütsch/Rüegger Tools: We talk to apprentices from different departments about the experiences they've had during their apprenticeships so far – and about their future plans.

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Customer portrait

Designwerk – Making trucks fit for the future of electromobility

Few people associate sustainability and electromobility with the term "truck". But Winterthur Designwerk AG makes this possible by giving trucks a complete technical makeover. To find out more, we went to visit Designwerk.

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ToolNews No. 576

Title story

The biggest stumbling blocks for exporting tools

"It cannot be that complicated to export tools.” This is the view held by many SMEs — until they are confronted with the extremely complex processes that are actually involved. In this edition of ToolNews, we highlight the biggest export pitfalls and explain how to avoid them.

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Customer portrait

BERNINA have sewing machines all sewn up

Generations of Swiss people undertook their first attempts at sewing using BERNINA sewing machines in craft lessons at school. And there's a good reason for this as the machines from Steckborn are number one. ToolNews paid them a visit.

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ToolNews No. 575

Title story

Because safety and style do not have to be mutually exclusive

When talking about work shoes, most people think of chunky, uncomfortable items that protect your feet while you work. But Brütsch/Rüegger Tools now demonstrates that occupational safety can be fashionable. ToolNews takes to the catwalk.

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Customer portrait

Where young talent is forged

The shortage of skilled workers is becoming a serious concern in Switzerland. The Thal-Mittelland Vocational Training Association is fighting back. The ToolNews team paid a visit to the Vocational Training Centre in Solothurn.  

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ToolNews No. 574

Title story

A friendly face for customers

Automation and digitalisation are the defining megatrends of our time. Nevertheless, or perhaps because of this, customers also appreciate the personal touch. The importance of this is demonstrated by the Brütsch/Rüegger Tools sales department and reception.

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Customer portrait

Burckhardt Compression – A company applying all the right pressure

The industrial compressor systems from Burckhardt Compression are huge pieces of equipment with a surprising array of variety. Not only are they used in the oil and gas industry, but they are also essential for renewable energies. 

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ToolNews No. 573

Title story

Because ergonomics matters at every level

Workplaces in many companies are not ideally suited to the needs of employees. This can come back to haunt an employer: The result is ineffective processes and increased absences. In this issue of Tool News, we are going to take a closer look at ergonomics using a case study from a real customer.

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Customer portrait

Abbott Switzerland – Giving the heart a helping hand

When the heart no longer functions properly, the situation can quickly become critical for those affected. For this reason, medical devices such as blood pumps are indispensable. We asked Abbott Schweiz how these devices work.    

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ToolNews No. 572

Title story

Take the hassle out of exporting tools

Swiss companies that operate manufacturing sites abroad will be painfully aware that dealing with customs formalities and organising transport puts a strain on their capacity — and their nerves. This is why Brütsch/Rüegger Tools takes care of shipping tools to your branches outside Switzerland for you.

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ToolNews No. 571

Title story

Because accuracy is essential

Many of the companies that rely on Brütsch/Rüegger Tools have to meet the highest precision standards. In some cases, it comes down to the micrometre. That is why we are turning our attention to the exciting field of measurement technology for this edition of ToolNews.

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Customer portrait

Guides for the smallest of particles

SwissNeutronics AG was established as a spin-off of the Paul Scherrer Institute. Today, the company supports research institutions worldwide in implementing state-of-the-art neutron-optical technologies. We wanted to hear from the experts themselves how this is done.

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ToolNews No. 570

Title story

Logistics thrives on speed

Not only do Brütsch/Rüegger Tools customers need the best tools — they often need them quickly. Logistics must run smoothly to ensure that the tools ordered today reach the customer tomorrow. We take a look.

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Customer portrait

Masters of prototyping

The Sabato Group started as a small precision engineering company. The company is still passionate about maximum precision. However, the supplier for the watch and medical technology industries has developed enormously in terms of technology. 

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ToolNews No. 569

Title story

Because knowledge is the most important tool

If something needs to be glued, screwed or machined, tools and solutions from Brütsch/Rüegger Tools are your first choice. But we don't just provide professionals with the products they need, we also keep their expertise up to date with our seminars and workshops.

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Customer portrait

An association reinvents itself

The Zurich section of the Swissmechanic association represents the interests of local mechanical, electrical and metal companies. And since change is affecting the technical and mechanical industry, the association is adopting change as well. The goal is to achieve closer alignment with SMEs.

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ToolNews No. 568

Title story

From tool dealer to premium partner for medical technology

Medical technology is characterised by the utmost precision, the highest quality standards and great regulatory pressure. Brütsch/Rüegger Tools offers smart solutions to support companies in this sector and save resources.

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Customer portrait

"We produce products that are implemented in clinical environments"

Cendres+Métaux SA has its roots in the watchmaking industry, but is also a Swiss pioneer in the field of medical technology. Our interview illustrates just how stringent the demands are in this sector.

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ToolNews No. 567

Title story

The best professionals in the world compete against one another

The global professional elite face off in competition at "WorldSkills". We spoke to two young talents who are taking part in the field of CNC milling/turning — and are using tools from Brütsch/Rüegger Tools to do so.

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Customer portrait

Young talent plays a key role at Hilti

With high-quality products and clever system solutions, Hilti AG makes it easier to work safely on site. To make this possible in the future, young talent that can be actively supported and developed is in demand.

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ToolNews No. 566

Title story

24 billion per year! Lowering the costs of illness and accidents

Lost employee days cost Swiss companies more than CHF 30 billion per year. In 2019, 77% of these losses—around CHF 24 billion—was attributable to illness and accident costs alone. Helping to solve this problem is the LEA (Learning Centre for Ergonomics and Workplace Design), which is currently celebrating its 20-year anniversary.

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Customer portrait

CIP — "Workshop of the Future" relies on Hive Digital Suite

"AtelierDéfi" is a networked microtechnology ecosystem based on Industry 4.0 technology from Brütsch/Rüegger Tools. Our digitalisation specialists took the lead role in setting up this demonstration workshop at the CIP education centre.

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ToolNews No. 565

Title story

Want to work healthier, faster and cheaper? It's all about ergonomics

The right posture makes things easier — literally: When you set up your workplace in an ergonomic way, you work more efficiently and healthier. In this edition of ToolNews, we will use specific examples to show you just how this works and how ergonomics can even save companies money.

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Customer portrait

SIAMS — Back with a bang

Finally, we were able to play to one of our proven strengths again — face-to-face customer advice. At SIAMS, Brütsch/Rüegger Tools demonstrated an incredible series of highlights for microtechnology, which were received with enormous enthusiasm.

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ToolNews No. 564

Title story

4 facts about why our chemistry works

Anyone who purchases chemical products from Brütsch/Rüegger Tools benefits from a package with complete peace of mind: In addition to offering maximum safety in line with the latest legislation, we provide important expertise and offer individual support to ensure that our chemistry solutions work for you.

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Customer portrait

Sauber Motorsport AG – Fresh air for C42

Aerodynamics are decisive factors in Formula 1 that determine vital hundredths of a second and also largely determine the car's design. Interesting new regulations have been the driving factor behind new airflows this season.

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ToolNews No. 563

Title story

Four benefits of FUTURO connected for more efficient processes and transparency

Are you ready for a digital working environment? FUTURO connected tools certainly are. The tools, measuring and testing equipment from this series can be fully integrated in Industry 4.0 environments. 

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Customer portrait

Setting the course for the future

Maximum precision is essential in watchmaking. Crowns, screws, pins and axles must fit exactly so that the final product functions with absolute reliability later on. It is precisely these components that are manufactured for the watchmaking industry at Microdec SA in the Swiss canton of Jura. 

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ToolNews No. 562

Title story

Five ways to free yourself from the operating cost trap

Whether personal protective equipment, consumables or office supplies: The versatile TwistPro vending machine makes everyday life easier and reduces your management costs.

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Customer portrait

Maag Pump Systems AG — exemplary operation for impeccable hygiene

With the TwistPro, Maag Pump Systems AG has once again proven itself to be a pioneer in the field of personal protective equipment. Read about how the highly successful company uses the spiral vending machine here.

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145-jähriges Unternehmen geht gemeinsamen Weg mit Start-up

Um Fertigungsbetriebe bei der Digitalisierung und Integration von Softwaresystemen noch umfassender zu unterstützen, intensiviert Brütsch/Rüegger Tools die seit mehreren Jahren bestehende Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Stemys SA aus Delémont.


ToolNews No. 561

Title story

Four tips for optimising your production processes

Brütsch/Rüegger Tools not only supplies tools, but also ensures that they can be put to optimal use. Our field-proven expertise helps you get the most out of your production environment.

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Customer portrait

How Feintool became a top automotive supplier

Feintool has become a first-class system supplier to the global automotive industry. How has the company managed this? Through having a keen eye for detecting new markets, gradually developing specialist expertise and consistently driving innovation.

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